The CNY was pretty OK. I dunno, I guess as we or rather, as I, grow older, the 'Magic' of CNY seems to have lost its uh...magic? Of course it's really nice to be able to be with family members and friends etc, but then again, it would be nicer, if family members can all put aside their differences, conflicts, fights, I dont like you cos... etc etc, and come together as one family to at least have a makan-makan without the If he/she is there I'm not going laaaa. So, every family has their drama/soap opera to tell, mine not excluded! Of cos it was rather sad that I had to "spend" Cny with my family via webcam, but it was nice to see a more hilarious side of my parents, when they tried to "pass" me the ang pow over webcam! And also my mom, who kept "showing off" the new year cookies and delicacies, but putting them "close up" for me to see!
But then, from what I've observed, being an "foreigner" in this foreign land, most of the Chinese Malaysians or rather, most Malaysians I've met here have been rather accommodating and friendly. Of course there are those who're like, yerr....who wants to know you, another Ma-Lay-Sian, I'd rather know, more AUSsieeees kinda mentality la. Well, don't we need all sorts of different characters to make the world unique?! Oddly, I also feel more proud of my roots as a Chinese and Malaysian. I always thought that when you're over the seas, you become more, ang mo and more guailou. Of cos, at time I need to "switch" to a very badly imitated Aussie accent when speaking to the local, at times, it's really nice to use the lahs, aiyahs, mehs, mahs, haiyohs and adois! But truth be told, being here really teaches you about standing up for what you believe in and not being afraid to show it. I'll speak bout that in another blog. Now got word limit d. Hehehe.
In some ways, sometimes we are touched by what others do. No matter how small that person's actions might be, at times we are often affected by it. It then depends on whether we want to be affected by what the person had done, or not, to take it positively or negatively. Thus, in my life's (still comparatively short) experience, (some old granny's and grandpa's will say in Chinese, I've eaten more salt than you have rice!) I've got to learn that doing/saying something is a rather dangerous thing to do! So sometimes, better not to do/say anything, for it's seemingly impossible to retract it back later! Speaking of such, was such an incident last night which had touched me rather deeply. I was having an online conversation with one of my ex students, who had asked me, if I was affected by the Victorian/Melbourne bush fires. Now, living in a suburb in the city, I thank God that I am not, but the manner in which this person asked me, had moved me deeply. Not only was I touched by him asking me that, he also said thanked me profusely for guiding him and teaching him a lot during my days as an academician (not teacher la, I'm not a teacher! I'm not NOBLE enough to be a teacher!) and all I could say was, I didn't really do much, but you're most welcome. Of cos as an academician I'm not supposed to be looking forward to garlands of flowers and gifts strewn onto the street which I walk on. But, it was really nice to be occasionally thanked by those I have taught. As always, I still do get the usual questions and requests for guidance in how they should live their lives, and many come when they are faced with tough decisions and major crossroads in life. In that sense, I somewhat thank God instead that I am able to "comfort" them in their times of needs. Even some do come to me with such trivial matters as asking about the definitions of words and how to differentiate words which sound similar.
Speaking of the fires, just got a call that someone my aunt knows was definitely affected by the Victorian fire. Seriously, this is of no joke. The fires are really bad shape, from what I have seen in the papers. It's a firestorm, so imagine it's horror. For example, say someone is driving along the road, and the fire would just "swish" through his car from out of nowhere, and the car, passenger, all burnt. That bad. Whole towns have been destroyed. Forests burnt to the ground. Well, thanks for all the concern calls, sms and messages. I am fine. Thank god. Please pray for the Aussie affected by it.
Well, all in all, it was really nice to have widened my social network of friends! I did attend the Australian Open, it did feel rather surreal to be there, for I had often seen it on TV and read about it, but to be there was a different experience! Making new friends is such a great thing and I thank God always for the gift of friendship. So, here's a big YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM SENG! to the gift of friendship!
"People who could'nt stand the smell of malt!"
"James Blake vs Frank Dancevic"
"Hmmm...who's who ah?!"
"Feeling 'shy' at the entrance"
"The game begins!"
"Post match interview"
"Trying to bend it like Beckham"
"Sumptuous dinner prepared by Gerald"