Once upon a time, I was once told that I looked like this guy from F4. OK before you go belching away, again, SOMEONE ELSE SAID IT. It was not like I looked into the mirror and went, oh I look like him! I have no idea who he is, where he is from, what he does or even what F4 is! Me thinks and me just knows it's some sort of Asian boy band (either Korean or Taiwan, or is it Japanese?) Hehehehe. I think his name is Vaness (male version of Vanessa?).

OK, please stop the protesting already. Hehehe. I think it was when I had the same hair length as he did once upon a time, so OK, maybe we had the same hairstyle! And never in a billion years will I ever pose for a photograph like that, nothing wrong with it, just not my style! OK, this one I too agree, is not my celebrity lookalike.
Then most recently I was told that I was once resembling this guy. I have no idea who he is, where he is from, what he does or even what Dawson's Creek is, or is it Orange County? Me thinks and me just knows it's some sort of teen drama series. Hehehe. Well, I'm more of the 24, Prison Break kinda guy...get the hint? Apanama...oh Joshua Jackson!
Then most recently I was told that I was once resembling this guy. I have no idea who he is, where he is from, what he does or even what Dawson's Creek is, or is it Orange County? Me thinks and me just knows it's some sort of teen drama series. Hehehe. Well, I'm more of the 24, Prison Break kinda guy...get the hint? Apanama...oh Joshua Jackson!

Resemblance? Hmmmmmmm....firstly I don't have cup like that...THE WHITE MUG! Then I don't have the stubs on his chin. Hairstyle also different. AGAIN, someone said it, not I!

OK, going down the years, this is my most recent celebirty lookalike. Jason Segel. This guy I KNOW and at times I do think that we are pretty similar in terms of size (someone said you're just as wide as him...HELLO! I'm not a door! hehehe), then in terms of character and attitude and how he portrays himself in films, very especially in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Oh, sorry, PhD thesis says movie titles must be in italics, let me fix that...Forgetting Sarah Marshall. That's better. Hehehe. Well, of cos, I don't have the John Rambo/Capt Ben Willard war face paint and combat knife. Hehehehe.
Now I hear there's some famous guy named Wang Lee Hom....HEHEHEHHE...
Now I hear there's some famous guy named Wang Lee Hom....HEHEHEHHE...