Well, I'm not talking bout the Taiwanese game show, called "wo cai wo cai wo cai cai cai!" or just "cai cai cai" if translated literally. Sorry, me no speaking Mandarin very the good! Hehehe...Well this show does have a very witty host, who can talk, sing, rap, dance all done impromptu (I think) and also 2 very lovely girls as the co hosts. But one girl doesnt really talk at all, just stand there and smile. Well, a pretty face does bring you places! Sometimes some really pretty girls (ok la, some good looking guys too) come onto the show as "the subjects to be guessed". Sometimes they have some very very very weird stuff for you to guess, I'm not gonna say much otherwise people will say I'm a ...Hello!!! This blog isnt about the show la! Hehehe...
Hmmm...the second blog of me being in Aust! Hahaha...I also got to find out that quite a big number of people actually read my blog! Wah...I'm so honoured. Really nice to hear the comments and feedback from others. Well I do hope that the pics are bigger this time! It's been a pretty tough few months here, but with all the support I'm getting I do feel a lot of pressure being lifted off my shoulder. Many people keep telling me, hey update your blog update your blog, we wanna know more bout how you're getting on! Doesnt that just make my heart melt! Hehehe...I've just met with Audrey (my supervisor) today. BOY, AM I TIRED! I havent really had a single day's of rest for the past 3 weeks since my last consultation with her. And this is only just the beginning! Well, I totally crashed out on the bed for a solid 3 hours just now and I think it's still not enough! Hmmm...I wanna holidays!!! I've the money but don't have the time! *sob sob*
Guess what?! Good news is, after all the running around lost and confused (Audrey asked me when she first saw me today, how are you? I replied, I'M SO CONFUSED!) but with the help and guidane of really nice people like Audrey, Din, Dr Ravi, Chia Yi and Aina (and my mom who's been praying for me and so many other supportive people) who have been pumping my head with ideas (God bless the creator of Windows Live Messenger, Bill Gates?) and arguing back and forth bout ideas (some silly ones) I guess I've come to a topic which I think I can call a topic! Hmmm...I think I wont "jinx" it yet by explaining what it is yet, for I've still got a lot of refining to do! But I was pretty lost for the format of the thesis was very different as to the one I had done during my Master degree. Audrey is pretty supportive. I was reading a PhD thesis yesterday and in the end I went HUH?! So, I just told her all my research findings I've done within these 3 weeks, and she kept going "good good good"! She's so positive! I was like, HUH?! Then she went, I see that we can use these as your chapters for your thesis, and I went, HUH?! But then she explained and I explained and argued and she argued and I went...OHHHHH!!!
I also had the chance to speak to Din, who was also so nice and he said, GOOD! to my topic! I felt, yippie!!! Finally! It was nice talking to Din and Ismail today. I had wanted to call Ismail with the hope that Prakash and Jenny were with him too but they were at lecture. Some people might go, CALL BACK MALAYSIA? SIAO AH?! Well, it's pretty ok, cos I pay $29 per month, plus get a pretty neat FREE handphone (it's called MOBILE, in italics cos you need the accent!) plus you get $150 worth of credit including $100 for international calls! Wow, what a deal! Hello, Malaysian Maxis, Digi, Celcom, 018, bila nak start macam ni?! Hehehe. So now I really do feel that I do have a pretty neat circle of friends and people around me who are so kind hearted!
Well, I did at one point of time get so fed up with people for I saw many selfish, heartless things being done day to day. And I mean by people I know! Well I'm actually saying this based on what others tell me and my observations of some people. I just really lost heart with people. I mean, do they feel proud, happy, satisfied and contented to see someone being upset, cry or sad by something you did to them? And why the need to be kiasu or kiasi? Do you feel so happy when you have actually stepped on someone else? Some people are basically out to hurt other people and are happy with that! Sadists! Why must be jealous of what others have? What my mom always taught me was, treat people the same way you want to be treated. So, watch out, you might "kenakan" someone, it will come back to you! Well, I still do believe strongly in karma, and I dunno how these people can sleep at night, or kiss their kids goodnite or even PRAY! Whatever their religion is, I wonder what do they pray for? I feel that the closer people "claim" that they are to God or rather claim to be holy, the worse they are! Well, I dont exactly pray that much, I'm not that good a Christian as well, but I do believe in being kind and doing good to others! That's what I live on! I like to emphatise with others, how would I feel like in their shoes? I just dunno how some people can be so heartless at times. I'm not saying I'm perfect, no one is. But I dont go out to hurt others! If it's not mine, then I will let it go. But some people, in chinese they say, "die also must have it". Always remember there is a greater being. Well, one day we will need to answer to God for what we have done to others, so better keep the list short! Is it really so difficult being nice to others?! Well, I did hear of a wonderful quote of Shakespeare while watchin Criminal Minds S3 (finished d by the way, hehe) it went "LOVE ALL, TRUST A FEW, DO WRONG TO NONE". I do feel pretty sad when I watch the show. Cause it's supposedly based on real cases, and when I think, someone has actually lost a loved one and how cruel some people can be! Well, this is just the beginning and I cant get too tired yet! I still can remember the "hell" I went through just to BE HERE! And I was told that some people are jealous of me being here! Of course there are others who are pretty happy for me too. Well, I guess in the end, everyone is blessed in the own paths of life. I cant be a medical doctor, so I become a PhD doctor la, hehehe.
I just really wish that I could go home for the Old Paulian's dinner in Sept. 10 years since we've left school! Wow, time has really flown by. It would be really great to meet up with friends we've not seen and friends we always see. And the same old jokes which never expires! Hehehe. And, I do bathe EVERYDAY! I just can't imagine going a day without bathing! Of course it's the hardest this to do, bathing. Back home, it's so hot and humid, sometimes I can bathe up to 5 times a day. Hehehe. But here, I think the max I have done is twice a day. It's like, the showering part is ok, cause there is hot water (God bless the creator of the shower heater) BUT once you turn off the water and the cold (very cold) winter chills hit you! Gosh, you can really get pneumonia! Maybe I am exaggerating a little, but it does feel cold!!! Oh, some people don't bathe for days during winter. And the smell! THE HORROR! Hehehe. Well, I think in Melbourne the people are not that bad. It's all very trendy and stylo mylo here la. Everyone's dressed to kill!
Thank you so much to my family, friends and students for all the birthday wishes. It was indeed really nice, actually very very nice to get so many wishes for my birthday. A few people sent sms, many sent messages via MSN messenger, Friendster, Facebook ( I still dunno how to really use it), I think e mail pun ada. Hehehe. I need to practise using my BM otherwise I will forget it. Wah, I even got a very belated wish and I'd call it e card from an ex student for my birthday yesterday! It was really sweet! So nice to know that some still do remember me. I do remember one particular one, who walked pass me as if I was made of glass! Buat tak tau je! Hmmm...it was a bit hurtful, but, you live your life la! So, when you need my help one day, I will go, do I know you?! Well some people will go, Adrian, that's so harsh! But that's what they want ma...! Hehehe. But tonight has been a pretty busy night for me. Many students are asking for advice and help online. Yup, there are many who still do keep in touch with me. Let's see, there are like 5 of them talking to me now. Hehehe...private and confidential matters! But they always say, I'm sorry to bother you or to take your time. Come one, no worries! I myself still do go to my ex lecturers, like Din and Dr Ravi for help sometimes and they have never refused me help! I still remember when I had broken up last time and Din was always there for me. Well, he lives on the mainland in Penang and to come over you need to pay the toll for the bridge. But everytime I call him, and he will go, hang in there bro, I'm on my way! Well of course in many ways he has taught me a lot as well! Ravi I will ask for help regarding my studies cause he's like a walking dictionary/encyclopedia/the internet all rolled into one!
So, ahem, guess what I did for my birthday?! Hehehe...well that's what this blog is gonna be all about, guessing! Well, I'm still not that good at using blogspot yet, most of the margins and photos were like lintang pukang, so I'm gonna try something different today and hope it works out! Well I don't actually have a photo of me studying the whole day during my birthday, replying messages of well wishes etc! I did have a wonderful birthday in the end. I had decided to repay some of my uncle's and aunt's great hospitality and care by spending them a dinner! Of course they would've taken my out anyway, but they're just too kind. Hehehe..but I did have dinner at....

" Lambs, a Greek restaurant at Lygon St. That's my uncle, aunt and cousin Anthony. "
And guess what I drank during the dinner?

"Greek beer of course! Tak mabuk pun! It was very light. Feels like you can have at least 7-8 beers and still not get drunk. I dunno, the beers here seem very light, not like our Tiger!"
Guess what we ate for dinner?
"Well these ones I have no answers! I can't remember the names of the dishes. I think this is called Souvlaki or something like that. It's basically roasted lamb and chicken and you wrap it in some sort of pita or naan kinda bread.

The second one is some sort of lasagna, made from potato and some other stuff. The third one, is dips, sauces made from all sorts of vegetables, kinda like how you have nachos dips, Fourth is octopus, check out the size mate! And the fifth is baked goat cheese. Of cos I had this as well,

"Some sorta cheesecake. But it was really rich and thick and yummy and full of flavour and of course fattening la. My aunt said, nevermind, gain back the weight you have lost! See how nice she is?! Hehehe"
And of course with birthdays come presents and a cake. Guess what?!

"Surprise! Hehehe...This was really supposed to be a surprise actually, for there was a small "conspiracy" going on downstairs but I had walked into it by accident! Well of course I did feel happy. That's the best picture I have with me and my cake la. The others look really terrible!" I think this is the 6th or 7th year in a row whereby I am given a "surprise" birthday cake. Now the reason why I'm saying it's a surprise is cos, I thought, well, I am like a few thousand miles away from home from my family and friends, so who's gonna give me one? Like last year, I still remember how nice Jules was to have a gathering for me, when I thought that I wouldnt have a cake! Aiyah, you know why la, dont have to ask! Hehehe. Oh yeah, guess what I got as a gift,
"Just what I needed to pass the cold winter days. Hehehe, a nice jumper! Hmmm...I'm actually wearing it now! It's really warm and comfy! And also, the other gift I got I wore it on my birthday so you can see it in the pics. It was given by a very special someone who's overseas rite now! It's red, has a devil on it (on it, not wearing it! hehehe) and belongs to the greatest football club in the world. Championship winning season some more! Hehehe. All together now, Glory Glory Man Utd!!!
And every year I give myself a little birthday present too. Well, nothing wrong with that. Just sometimes you might see something that you really want but maybe it's a little too expensive so why not have a treat on your birthday?! Guess what I got for myself?

*Intro song of the Godfather*
"YUP! I have been gunning for this book since I have arrived in Melbourne! Boy, it did cost me a lot of money! The books here are pretty expensive. Anyways, this book is actually the screenplay (script) of my most favouritest movie in the whole world! I've watched this film I think more than 20 times already. And I still dont get sick of it. I still hope that Sunny doesn't get killed at the causeway, still hope that Don Vito didn't get shot and still hope that Kay Adams didn't leave Michael. Well, see how much I love this film! So inside this books are great behind the scenes pics of the making of the film, production notes and all sorts of other cool stuff! I actually saw it in another bookstore earlier and finally decided, OK, I am gonna get it. But when I went back, it was sold out and they weren't gonna order again! Wow, I was really really really sad! Luckily, the staff said to go to Dymocks and it might be there! And thank God for Dymocks! Hehehe, well, I havent really gone through it thoroughly yet but I have this hunch that I will be pretty soon! OK, so I guess that pretty sums up how my birthday went! Oh yeah, guess what I attended a few days before my birthday!
"A chinese ochestra! Never in my 27 years have I ever thought that I could be so "cultured"! I dont know, but ever since I've came to Melbourne, I've always felt that I am interested to know more about the Chinese culture and of being a Chinese. Well, of course I am still Malaysian and I am proud to be Malaysian! But, there's this longing in me to know more about the Chinese side of me. Well, this is the best pic I could take of the ochestra. My camera had this "chee chak" sound so I didnt really dare to take many. Ismail calls it the "cicak camera"! Hehehe. And there was this lady, who will go, SHHHHH!!! everytime someone makes the slightest sound! Like, someone coughs...SHHHHHHHHH!!! small boy says, Mummy mu SSSSHHHHHHH!!! And when I went chee chak SSSSHHHHHHHHH!!!! But in the end I didnt care la and took some pics towards the end of it. But the all were out of focus! Hmmm...the power of the SHHHHH woman! But what struck me the most was that half of the players in this ochestra were non chinese! Imagine that! And there was this girl, Australian I think who was able to sing in Mandarin! Wah...shy only ler. My uncle said, maybe she's more Chinese than you! Well, maybe in some ways!
Every Sunday, well almost, I would go cycling with my 2 other cousins. See, my mom's sister is here, whom I'm living with now and my mom has a brother who's also living here. So every Sunday I would go cycling with them. It's really nice to cycle here. They have a really really really big park where you can cycle, where there are roads for you! The worst part of it is that I have to cross a bridge which goes over a highway! Goodness! I'm already so scared of heights, it's pretty high! And to have the cars moving so fast below it! Really scary thought! But I have managed to cycle across, with my eyes opened of course! And guess what I saw last week when I was cycling!

*zheng zheng zheng* (scary music!)
Who would've known huh? Well, Lucifer is actually the name of the devil or satan. And there's a street that's named after him. I dunno who lives down the street or what is down that street. I didn't dare look! Hehehe...no la, I guess normal people and normal houses. But I thought that it's a really cool pic to take. Well, I'm not glorifying the devil or anything, if there was a Jesus Street I'd take the pic too!
Hmmm...did I mention that I have a pet? Well, it's not actually mine, but belongs to my cousin. His name's Max and is a small little fella. Runs really fast! Exactly like how you see them in the cartoons! Like the feet moving and moving and moving but not going anywhere yet! Then he zooms off! He's a dog which is able to catch his own tail and I dunno why, he spins round and round and round whenever I'm gonna feed him his dinner! Let's see if I have a pic of him, guess which one is him!

Hehehe...same pose, different angle! Well let's see if I can get a more decent picture of him.
Well I couldn't get him to "pose" properly for a picture so I guess that's the best I can get of him. I call him "Turbo Max" for a reason! Ok, I shall not talk too much about pets, otherwise someone will say, haiyoh, again animals ah? Last time cat now dog, nothing else to talk about ah?! Hehehe. Oh yeah, guess what this is!
"Black Hole Sun!" Now I guess I know where Soundgarden got the inspiration for that song! Hehehe...that's how much sun there is during the winter here in Melbourne most of the time! OK, I guess I shall be uploading more pics of the places I've travelled to in my next blog, for I feel that this one is getting a wee bit too long! Well, I'm gonna get back to watching Hell's Kitchen. It's pretty awesome seeing how Ramsay controls his kitchen! "Get out here you fat ****!" "You call that cooking you stupid idiot!" And all sorts of other phrases! Look forward to more pics then! God bless!