"With Malaysian badminton legend Cheah Soon Kit, Sairul Ayob and Lee Tsuen Seng in Ballarat...need to go all the way to Australia to meet them...hehehe"

"War Memorial Canberra. Hair's grown long and it's longer now! Tummy's gone too! No need to zoom in to check laaaaa"

"Zee Art of Flag balancing in Canberra"
Hahahaha...I've watched a pretty nice film this week. One which I had actually discovered by accident. It's called "My Wife is a Gangster" and tells the tale of a female gangster boss who has to get married and have kids to fulfill her dying sister's wish. Well I know, the feminists must be screaming and searching for this show already. Calm down calm down. It wasn't all that bad. In fact in many ways it did reflect rather positively on the lady boss as a rather "STRONG" figure. See I've even put the word in capital and bolded it some more. Hehehe. However, I guess it was really hilarious in many ways for the film was trying to transform this, well I wouldn't call her a butch, she did look rather beautiful (oh no the feminists are screaming again!) and feminine. But as a gangster head, you've just got to be tough. YES, I've been constantly told that the Singapore version is more hilarious, but I've not watched that yet, so this Korean version is still the best for me!
So last weekend I had gone to TGIF for dinner and had one of those 3 course meals. It was pretty filling. I do enjoy TGIF more than I do at Chilli's. I dunno why. I just feel that TGIF has more of a 'relaxed' atmosphere as compared to Chilli's which I always see as being very corporate. Of course that's just my personal view of it la. I still havent gotten the chance to try the babyback ribs yet in either places, but I still remember the ribs we had bbq'd at my farewell party. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! I'm not sure if Michael Scott from the office constantly patrons TGIF or Chilli's but there was one funny episode where he had really in many ways showed us how to actually table a deal, as human beings! Ah yes, it did feel a bit weird though for the shopping mall was closed at about 5pm. Yup, we walked through the mall, all the retail shops were closed! Businesses here mostly close at about 5pm. Seriously. It's like walking through the shopping mall and all the shops are close. The only places opened were the cinema and TGI. So, it did seem pretty different for as compared to back home, we'd have the shops close at 10pm? And people still complain that they close TOO early.
Hmmm...so how bout the trip to Canberra...Hmmmmm...can't really remember much though! I've posted most of the pics I've taken in Australia on my facebook website. Well, the trip to Canberra was a good one but pretty exhausting. The drive up and down took about 7-8 hours each way. That's like pretty much longer than Penang to Seremban. The War Memorial was a really cool place, where I had seen the Nazi SS uniform, those bikes with the car at the side, a table used by the Japanese surrender in Malaya..hmmmm how did it end up in Australia? a whole plane and a submarine and some other really cool stuff I've always seen in movies only. I am a big fan of either war or gangster films. Still love Band of Brothers and The Godfather. I've watched the Godfather countless times and every single time, I just wished they hadn't shot Sonny at the causeway. Every single time! That's just how much I love tat film. But it's just painful how we know of the sufferings of the humans during the war. Of course, in the end, all the Big Guns and Fat Cats get away with everything and the everyday people like us suffer. SAY NO TO WAR!
A few weekends ago, I went out with my unc TC to look for a cooking stove. Hehehe...he said, I dont think anyone will take us seriously cause we're 2 men! It was like when I went to buy a house, and I asked a very beautiful woman to join me, pretended to be husband and wife! Hahaha. Well, of course with her hot voice and charms (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!) hehehe, the developers were extra nice (they were already very nice). It's the couple thingy la. Well of course she's just a very close friend and very nice one to boot! And in the end I am stuck with a house while I am a few thousand miles away from home. Hehehe.
Well, while we were stove shopping, my uncle said to go back to this one place where there's a Malaysian guy working there, for he had given my uncle an "automatic" discount without even asking! So typical rite? RIGHT. And of course when I was there, I saw a brochure that said, If you were to buy this and that and this plus that, you will get an "automatic" discount. See! Then we went on to ask the salesman and it went like this:
Unc: Eh, don't say that, the last time you recommened that XXX brand (sorry la, cant mention the brand. Defamation/sedition/whatever act afterwards la), and you said it was good. But it started to leak la!
Salesman: How can?
Me: (In my head: Of course cannot one la!!!)
Salesman: Aiyah, it's the plumbing la, the plumBING is not good. The plumBER la...
Me: (Who else's fault is it then? Of course it isn't your's, how can it be your's!)
Unc: No...it's not the plumbing, it's the pipe inside the machine that's leaking. Not the outside.
Salesman: (starting to want to walk away d, turning his body) Aiyah, who asked you to buy the middle range products?
Uncle and I: (huh?!)
Salesman: You want good quality one, you must buy the expensive one la! Like this other brand...surely no pohblem wan...
Me: (HUHHH?!!!)
Me: (Well, just type in your resignation letter and leave la)
And...as my uncle was about to ask more questions, he started to walk off and was "saved" by another couple who went, eh, you're XXX rite? My sister asked me to look for you la...BIG SMILE FLASHED ON HIS FACE! Another big commission. Typical rite? Hehehe. Well, if I being the representative of the company, should at least dig into the problem, what went wrong, when, how, why? Then ask if I could help in any way to fix the problem. This guy...haiyoh...
I had another interesting conversation last week with a stranger in the city. As I was walking, he came up to me...
Stranger: Excuse me, do you have a minute, can I ask you a question?
Me: (Feeling a bit suspicious, but then again this is Melbourne, one of the safest cities in the world) Yeah, ok sure...
Stranger: Tell me, how could you support a club like THAT? (Pointing to my Manchester United jersey, championship winning one some more) They suck!
MU FAN: (Wah this is war!) How can I not? So what club do you support?
Stranger: I support Chelsea, the greatest football club in the world.
Passers-by: Taken aback at the loud voice and actually standing a few steps backwards!
chelsea fan: INAUDIBLE AUDIO
MU FAN: (Walking away showing the thumbs down!)
Hahaha...well I thought that I'd only get this if I were in England or back in Malaysia. Who would've known that Chelsea had fans in Melbourne as well?! Hehehe...Well, they are doing pretty well so far...NOTE...SO FAR. Then I had gone to meet Audrey, she said that she was happy with the work I had given to her. Wahhhhh....really relieved. I even had her repeat saying, this work is good! I was expecting more of a..Adrian...I'm sure you can give me better work, but she was on the overall rather happy...so once again...wahhhhh...lega.....but that's only the beginning of the beginning! See how far it goes?! Well, to be rather honest, the PhD is one tough process, BUT it's definitely doable, I hope!
So after a nice spot of lunch with a friend from Taiwan, I took the tram and on the way, heard 5 girls talking bout...well I wasn't eavesdropping, or curi dengar or purposely listened in. They were talking so loud...let me exaggerate here...that you could still hear their conversation while wearing ur MP3 earphones listening to Cradle of Filth (IT Crowd..hehehe) Well, yeah I had exaggerated but they were LOUD! And what were they talking about? Comparing their bra sizes and breast sizes and their friends and...OK enough...Then I made the trip home and went for my first game of GOLF! Hehehe..yeah, trying to learn to be a gentleman by playing the gentleman's game. Well, so far I've only learned how to "not miss the ball" and gosh it is indeed harder than it seems! But I've only gone for 1 lesson so far. Oh well, I hope that it does help me to release stress rather than to give me MORE stress! WHY CAN'T I HIT THAT TINY BALL?!!!