So the few weeks have just flown by like that. Been a bit busy to update my blogs. Sigh, feel sad with what's going on in my country as well. Last Sat I wept when I heard of the state my beloved Malaysia is in now. Yeah, I actually wept. Not the waaaaaaaa!!! crying la. Just tears in my eyes. Hope all will be better la. I always pray that God protects each and every Malaysian from any harm. No laughing matter this!
The few weeks have been pretty ok for me, still wandering around in a big maze called the PhD. Boy, it is tough! Well, no choice but to do it for career advancement! I still dunno how to make my blog look neat and tidy la. I mean, when I type and all that it looks ok. But when I publish it it all runs haywire. Any tips of dear fellow bloggers?
Well, my house in Penang is finally ready. YAY! or BOOHOO! Well depends on how I look at it la...YAY cos now I have officially completed the 5Cs of bachelorhood. (time to get married d? well the pressure groups of the yeemakujiehs inc and little sis inc are piling on the pressure!) Hehehehe...
Cash (not that much actually, but enough to open small nasi lemak stall la),
Car (small little Myvi with a big number!),
Credit Card (never used them already anyways),
Career (student ma!) and
Condominium (I think house also can la...) Hehehe...
And then boohoo cause I dont have a wife to spend all this money with...hehehe...kidding la. Well. guess this just leads to more responsibility and debts! Owning a house is seriously, seriously such a big thing. Small matters like cutting the grass can also lead to big headaches! Now I bought a house and not a condo for a few reasons. Small little reasons that will actually make you feel...ARRGGGGGHHHH!!! Like, when you have locked your car, carrying all ur groceries, went up the lift, open the door with one hand, lock the door with one hand and then, aiyah...left my phone in the car, or aiyah, did I lock the car? AAAAAARRRGGGGGHHH!!!
It's weird though, cause when some of us were young, most of us always said, well, I'm gonna get married at 26! And then when we're at 26, we're like HUH?! WHAT?! TWENTY SIX D?! SO FAST?! Remember when we were young and the age 20 seemed like such a big thing? Well at 24-26 I've just started working and don't really have any money! Salary kechik kechik only. Car also kechik kechik one, can rent a kechik kechik room in an apartment only (unless we had sponsors from MBF *Mak Bapak Finance or FAMA *Father/Mother to buy us nice cars or a place to live in) Makan economy rice only (which is quite expensive nowadays). Life's so tough at this time of our lives. How to marry?
So then we say, ok la, postpone to 28. Then some of us can nicely break up some more at around that age, which makes the chances even more slimmer. (And of course there are a few who have already gotten married. Congratulations to you all.) How to marry?!
And when we're 27 now and then next year at 28 will be the crunch time again, and then some of us realised, GOD! That means I need to propose this year already?! And some of us are still without a gf. How to marry?!!
Then we decide, ok la, postpone again to let's say, 30! And then when we're 30 some of the stupider ones suddenly realised, I haven't finished my PhD laaa. How to marry?!!!
But then again, we can't rush all this la. Imagine, someone had actually asked me before, why aren't u married? What's wrong with u?! Wah...stabbed me in my heart wei! It's weird though for at that point of time when I was younger. I had so much time but always didnt have money to do things. But now it's like got time and got money but no one to do it with!! Gosh, I hope that I don't start to sound like I'm really desperate already! Of cos I'm not. Well many people always say that guys do not have to marry so early! Hehehe! If all men think like that, how to marry then?!!!!
I did have a few conversations with friends regarding marriage this week. Weird, it was like marriage counselling week ler, only with people who arent married! I was just saying that well, if I do find the right person to get married to, I would like to settle down in the near future already. Well, if and when you're at that point of time in your life, you will feel like how I feel. It's nice you know, to have a wife and kids. And I really love kids. Kids here are really cute in Australia. Especially in the winter when they're all bundled up in their winter clothing! Some with little bunny ears some more! And some of kids really look like little dolls! Gosh, I can't wait to have a little Adrian Jr! Hehehe...That's another reason why I had bought a house. I want my kids to be able to run here run there fall down roll over have space to ride their little tricycles! Have some space la at least!
Oh yeah, speaking of kids, check out these funny pics someone sent to me. DON'T do the DON'Ts and of cos I DON'T plan to do the DON'Ts!

I especially like the ones, calming baby, massaging baby, exercising baby and fun games for baby. Imagine the small fella doing all that makes me laugh! Doing bench presses! HAHAHAHA!
The HCC graduation ceremony has also passed already. Seems like I'm just a fading memory there as well. Only ONE student contacted me to thank me for teaching her. Well, better than none. Anyway, congrats to all who have graduated. I'm proud of that you all have made it.
I've been having a few students, sorry, ex students, now I've also been upgraded to the student level as well. Well, they have been asking me for advice on where to go for the industrial training, and I was like, What?!! Training time again?! So fast one year has already passed! Oh the pain of going thru the calls and e mails and faxes and the, hey man, how's it going, can u take in my students? the tantrums (not by me) and merajuking and the crying and the "I dont want to talk to u sir cos u dont let me go there to train" and why no pay why no tranport provided why no hostel provided why no work to do one why so much work to do one why my company no leng lui why my company no leng chai why this why that why so late why so far why so dangerous why still got no reply why they are like that why kl food so expensive why my boss so bad why my boss so kiam siap why the system different one why 10 weeks only why is life so hard why I can't go to KL why can't I stay in Penang why I can't go overseas why KL food not nice one why KL so far one why Chinese New Year no holiday why Chinese New Year no angpao why didn't you send me there why didn't you send me to a different company why KL so big one why must I go for training why can't I go for training why can't I work for this year I wont be there to answer the whys anymore, hence I've been upgraded!
I've been having a few students, sorry, ex students, now I've also been upgraded to the student level as well. Well, they have been asking me for advice on where to go for the industrial training, and I was like, What?!! Training time again?! So fast one year has already passed! Oh the pain of going thru the calls and e mails and faxes and the, hey man, how's it going, can u take in my students? the tantrums (not by me) and merajuking and the crying and the "I dont want to talk to u sir cos u dont let me go there to train" and why no pay why no tranport provided why no hostel provided why no work to do one why so much work to do one why my company no leng lui why my company no leng chai why this why that why so late why so far why so dangerous why still got no reply why they are like that why kl food so expensive why my boss so bad why my boss so kiam siap why the system different one why 10 weeks only why is life so hard why I can't go to KL why can't I stay in Penang why I can't go overseas why KL food not nice one why KL so far one why Chinese New Year no holiday why Chinese New Year no angpao why didn't you send me there why didn't you send me to a different company why KL so big one why must I go for training why can't I go for training why can't I work for this year I wont be there to answer the whys anymore, hence I've been upgraded!
I've been wanting to write about the places I've been to in Australia. But it's gonna be soooooo long a blog la. I know that the complains regarding the length of my blog being a equivalent to a thesis/bible/encyclopedia/manuscript so I'm just gonna find one time when I have nothing to say and then I will blog about it! It does seem that I've been travelling a lot already. Well, I might as well since I'm here. Plus, I don't go out all the time, just once in a while to the city and once a month for serious travelling. If I don't, I'd really get a Permanent Head Damage! Next stop, Canberra!!!