swaadilooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...i can taste it wei...not thai, but "delicious" in nepalese, i think, if the internet proves to be a reliable source of information! and not so many o's as well! last night, i had one of the most(est) deliciously delicious curry i've ever tasted. i had this coupon to dine at this nepalese place called Gurkha's in melbourne. wonder what gurkha means. i think it means labourer if im not wrong, let me search it on the web....whoops, partly off, it actually means soldiers that live in the mountains in Nepal. oh yeah yeah, now i remember, the gurkha soldiers! i always mixup with tibet, nepal and somehow mongolia as well, although mongolia is like waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay far away! (luckily i'm not a pilot, ladies and gents, we are now landing at nepal international...no wait, macam new delhi je...! and luckily i'm not a medical doctor too! cos i cant remember names!)
anyway, i got this coupon for makan makan there, and tiong guan and i ordered this lamb curry...aiyah, i cant remember the name again, let me check...so we had "khasiko masu " which means typical nepalese style goat curry and scallop curry. and we thought, aiyah, indian food la for sure, cos they served us some papadumsss.....(salivating)...i love papadums, i could eat the whole tin of papadums, which they normally use for keeping it in the indian restaurants...oh gosh. this isnt the right blog to write in the early morning! (i can feel the turbulence in my stomach!) or as alina likes to say, i can taste it d wei!!! hahahaha. somewhat all of us are kaki makans la. we're the type of people that can go hunting for good food at every nook and corner where it hides! and i do mean every nook and corner! especially when we went hunting for prawn mee in balik pulau! aha! wonder where eh?!! i'm not a very choosey eater la. sometimes i can just eat rice with gravy or maggi mee! oooh, which reminds me of some maggi mee i had. i mean, sometimes i just want to enjoy the best there is, sometimes i know, let's just fill my stomach la. heheheh...ah, the pleasures of good company! and good food!
so, after a day loooooooooong study, i skipped lunch by the way! hahaha...made history again! everyone was so worried for me, cos i'm like kaki makan one! ok la, i really cant do much about losing the big cheeks on my face. i dunno why, i am losing weight, i dont have my belly anymore, but my face keeps getting bigger! epril said it's cos of my car number, too many 888's! too prosperous?! anyway, i almost gave up at around 430pm and wanted to go to kfc. but then i thought, there's too much work to get done!
anyways, the day ended well, i had a tour of beers last night! the first was a guinness stout (must have), then i tried the kilkenny (which i still don't like) and then later we had this one called 1664 or something like that (which was really expensive). somewhat, throughout all this drinking, there's just something that i cant stand bout some people. well basically, i just cant stand it when people like to test you on your drinking, or like to "prove" what a good drinker they are. to me, i think it's whether u have it or not! don't need to ask around, eh u can only drink one beer ah?! so cha one ah?! aiyah, then there are those who CAN only drink one beer but goes and whacks some whiskey and then gets drunk and then goes missing somewhere and then u need to find the person and then u need to send the person home and then u need to make sure the person sleeps on his bed and then u need to make sure the person throws up everything while he's saying don't worry i'm ok i'm ok and then u need to make sure he's asleep and they the next day u need to call him to check if he's alive or not! that was long! i really can't stand that. i mean, if u can't then just say u can't! well, it's not really about manliness cos i've seen some girls do this too! so how much can i drink? i'm a drinker who knows his limits! i am after all, a phd...Pretty Heavy Drinker! hehehe
so during my third pint last night, which somewhat equals to 5 small bottles...hehehe...(not exactly reaching my limit yet!) we then discussed about ideas and scripts and life and all sorts of other things and when i came home, i was darn hungry, and what better than to have a hot plate (i used a bowl) of steaming hot nasi lemak (of course had to reheat la! hehehe) gosh, i love my aunt and uncle for that! hehehe...swaadilooooooooooo!!!
"Interestingly, they had some sort of a guide for your first time, the restaurant's history...but aftter studying for 9 hours and missing your lunch!!! Oooooooh papadums...gosh i can taste it!!!"
"Advertising their other branches!"
"When the mean came we were like, so small only ah?!!! Very especially the rice. I think I can personally have 3 bowls of that portion! And we had to recheck with the waiters, 2-3 times, is this for 2 people?!! I mean we're going curry. check out the small bit of papadum i had dropped on the table. aiyah wasted laaaaaaaaa. hahahah. but then the taste totally whacked the size! we were like, eh sedap ah! sedap man! after that, whack la!!!"
"The nice scallops wrapped with crabs eggs, I think! we weren't sure what the orange thing was but it was darn tasty. somewhat tiong guan didn't like it so of cos i HAD TO EAT it for him! what a good friend i can be! gosh i can taste it now........"
"I'm putting this in just for fun. some prawn noodles i cooked myself a few days ago. now that's how hard boiled eggs are supposed to look like, not with the green green corners and sides! also present, fresh prawns and lobster! gosh i can taste it..."

"Guess what meat this is? I had taken this pic and eaten this meal sometime back, but then though, oh well, all food, might as well put this in...any guesses? chicken? deer? pork? crocodile?!! yup u guessed it right mr dundee! gosh i can taste it..."
OK, I'm gonna hit the weighing scales now...
OK, I'm gonna hit the weighing scales now...