So today I make history, by actually coming to uni to work for the first time ever. well, it was ok la, woke up at 730, showered got ready etc. then the bus came on time, as always, i just dunno why msia cant incorporate a good bus system. when i was in sban, i used to take the bus from rasah and basically there was quite an OK bus system. in penang, i think i've only taken the bus once or twice, after that i had just started driving around there. of cos, we do know of the existence of the bus system AND we see the bus here and there BUT when we wait for the bus it either never comes or it's jam packed. and in kl, when i was working there, i used to take the SMILEY bus, of cos that's not the real name. but then, it passes by on the opposite side, supposed to make a u turn and come back to pick me from my side of the road, which basically takes 15 mins. sometimes it never comes back or comes back 1 hour later. so what public transport? taxi? yeah, i used to take the taxi then in kl, but in penang! sorry no way! so, the bus that picked me up this morning was an old one, which reminded me a lot about when i used to have to ride in the bus when i was younger. it sometimes goes KREKKKKKKKKKK KREKKKKKK KREKKKKK for no reason! then i had to set up the wireless system in my uni, for i've never used my laptop here before. i got a 7 page step by step guide from the info desk, BUT it didnt work for almost 4 hours! so in the end, another person at the info desk said, pass it to the IT guys at the first floor, TSK, HAIYAH! why never tell me that earlier! and a girl there, quite pretty also, got it done for me in like5 secs! then for lunch, i met up with Tiong Guan, and we went from the union house to his law school searching for guiness stout and back to union house cos the lunch at the guiness stout place was too expensive. so, we had parma and pot, parma's chicken parmesan or parmigana (however u spell it) and pot is like half a pint of beer. nice. and was explaining to him regarding my thesis and i think i might've scared him off a bit! many firsts for me today. first time studying in uni, first time using my laptop in uni, first time eating in uni, first time having beer in uni. wonder what's next! now feeling a lil sleepy after the heavy lunch! now i dunno why but some guy is giving me a weird look, im not sure if these seats are actually reserved before hand or not, but this is public space ma! or if i smell of alcohol! hahahaha...
I tried I tried I blog more than once a month that is, but I dunno la, how did the time pass by so quickly! oh dear, I'm really at the "crunch" period, the very first do or die phase, so i gotta be working (supposedly) extra hours and extra diligently (I AM!) (i think!) hehehehe. well truth be told, i wasn't always the extremely studious type, neither was i even very studious at all. as compared to my sisters, especially my elder one, who CAN study like basically 20 hours a day! non-stop! all through the day! well i am trying laaaaaaa, i mean, coming to think of it, someone asked me previously, wah so as a phd student, u have a loooooooooooooooot of time la, since u just work on ur own and since u just have ur own time frame, wah damn relaxed man!...but then again, if i keep thinking that aiyaaaaaah, so much time what, relax la...the work will never get done, it doesn't get done by itself! hence i've never ever ever seen myself work so hard before in my entire life! once, i even dreamt that i was was studying, and to the fact that i was actually READING in my dream trying to understand! in fact! why am i even writing about my work now?! why?! am i dreaming?!!!! hahhaha
just returned home from a power packed meeting with audrey today. i guess both sides really thrashed out with no holds barred. i basically had no real lead over what was going on and was really confused as to what my topic and research was really about. and i guess she could sense some worry and after a meeting of 90 mins, out longest ever, i believe that i finally have been set in the right direction, and i am now believing that she is really a good supervisor. but i just felt that this meeting should've been done right from the beginning of this research, well, maybe i just got lost somewhere along the way. anyhow, hope that all is good from now onwards. so, in the end, i wanted to give myself a treat, i wanted my stout, or at least a pint of draught, but then i needed to catch the bus. so in the end, i settled for some good ol' fish and chips! what a difference! hahaha. anyway, it wasnt even fish and chips, more like fish and pasta for they had ran out of chips. but then again, the lady was really really really warm and nice. kept calling me darling. darling this darling that.'s some food for thought. last night i was watching some documentary on tele with uncle meng. something bout snow leopards in the (yawwwnnn...shuddup! i love documentaries, esp ones about WW2, got tonnes of books on it, and one pictorial that basically weighs a tonne, literally!) mountains of north india. and what i noticed were the houses they were living in, besides a really pretty girl there as well. maybe i will visit that place one day. hehehe. ANYWAY, what crossed my mind was, these houses were basically made from mud and stone, and it withstands snow, blizzards, sun, rain, whatever nature throws at it. but back home in msia, my nice new house, built with cement and concrete and bricks and cranes and u name it its there, some parts have already started cracking! and i havent even been in there yet!!! how can! and the drive way split apart like some monster was coming out from the ground or something! and some of our highways, PARLIAMENT??!!! and we still feel, aiyah nothing one la. somehow i feel that Malaysian taxpayers are too rich, ah who says there's a financial crisis, aiyah, always someone's someone's someone's someone affected laaaaa. well, why aren't we making noise that our tax money is being wasted? oh, so some ppl just pay taxes like RM few hundred per year? think again. remember our car taxes? remember our fast food taxes? remember whatsover has hidden taxes. well nvm la, someone's someone's someone ma!
second food for thought came when i was playing with max. he's almost 9 years old now. so in human years, he's like 63 years old. wow, that's pretty, ok la politically correct language, SENIOR. but then, no matter how old, i mean, senior the dog is, we still call it, boy or girl. now imagine calling your 80 year old granny, ah girl ah! right? no matter how old the dog is, or cat, or iguana or snake or spider or whatever a pet is, it's never ages from boy or girl! hmmmmmmmmmm...
third food for thought, how come a dog's or cat's or iguana's or whatever la's face doesnt grow fat? and also its legs? i mean, ok, enough hinting bout MY FACE, it just doesnt grow smaller...anyways, i havent really seen a chubby animal before. andrew said, in reference to max, maybe that's where all the action is. cos the face is always exercising thru munching non-stop, he's always prowling around for food and running up and down the stairs, and the tail is always wagging and spinning round and round, hence, cant get fat!
on a more jovial note, man u have been extending their lead over the top of the league...champions league finalists!!! yessssssssssss.....excellent (to the voice of Mr Burns!) well truth be told, sometimes i feel that it's not that same old feeling that i used to have, the sense of stability in the team and all that. also, i just hate the fact that it has become so damn commercialised. aiyah, everyone's in for the money babe! anyhow, being here, the only way to watch these matches is via foxtel, somewhat the australian astro la! and of cos, must pay la. so the only resources i have in watching are 1. via live streaming, which can really get congested and all u see in the end is a slideshow of the match or 2. gamecast on soccernet or the live commentary on the man u website, which is basically "reading" the game in words or 3. just wait for the next morning and watch the updates and match highlights on either a. the ones provided by my phone service, they have some streaming sports package or b. find the highlights on line. but the thing with watchin these highlights are a. the ones provided by my phone service is good, but short! its only like 2 mins but it's all in english and i understand la or b. the ones online are lengthy, but sometimes u either get some sort of "advertisement" for matchhighlights go to somewhere somewhere premier league or something, i just can't stand these! i mean, it sounds so narcissistic! some even edit the videos on youtube, a footballking productions, for example! hell, these ppl just added in like a few frames in front of a music video shot by someone else! anyways, i could also watch the full match highlights, somewhat which astro shows, in english. but the thing is, sometimes i get those full highlights, but it's in some foreign language, which has some extra consonants or vowels in their words, like gushhhhhhhdahhhtwwoingggg or arrribbeeeeeeeeeeee habbeeeeeeeeeeeehhhbbbbbb and the sentence goes like ariibeee habeebe habbeeeehh MICHAEL CARRICKKK (with english acccent) blah blah blah blah blah SIR ALEX FERGUSONNNN (english accent) blah blah blah DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR blah blah blah WAYNE ROONEY (english accent)! no offence! well what am i complaining about, it's better than having none at all!!! and culture! to love culture! hehehe. the best ones goes like....ROOONEEEEEEEEEEEY...GOALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL....GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLL. tarikkkkkkkkkkk only the goal! and i remember once watching with chinese commentaries, and the commentator actually went, TSK...HAIYAH!
so yesterday had been a pretty emotional day for many i guess...even for me. no la, i didnt get married or anything. since we're on that topic, i just realised that throughout these few weeks, i've been constantly been pressured to get married la!! aiyoh, relax...i've still got like 7-8 cousins in line in front of me, so let them take the plunge first! out of respect and filial tradition (supposedly) i cannot cut line one! anyway, yesterday i had attended fr michael mckenna's farewell. as compared to others, i think we've known each other the shortest time, as in probably just 4 months. but somehow sometimes somethings just click between 2 individuals, for example, my friendship with chin leong! i know, if and when he reads that part, he will think "aiyah so gay". hahaha. friends only ma! so anyway, father has been elected as "Bishop of Bathurhst" and when i first heard it, the thought of "THEBISHOPOF BATHURST" came to mind! no, not that fr is scary, he's one of the nicest persons you will ever meet. at that moment i just recalled those films/dramas set in the dark ages, like the blackadder (i can imagine rowan atkinson saying with his lisp, thrrrrrfff bishhffhop of bathhhfffursttttttfff) or robin hood, where u have that evil bishop from some english named place. cos in msia we have bishop of kl la, penang la, sabah and swak la, although we say bishop of northern or southern region (i think), so this is the first time i'm hearing of one with an english named place! hehehe. so, he's really one person who's so basically down to earth, and i still remember how he made me feel so welcomed the first time i met him and also everytime i meet up with him. oh dear, i guess i will miss that personal touch i had with him, do hope to keep in touch with him though, and do hope that he likes my farewell gift! so a toast to one of the nicest priests i've ever know! dunno la, sometimes it's nice to have the personalised touch, although not that nice when u have to do a face to face confession and the priest knows u by name, knows ur mom, ur dad...heheheh.
speaking of dads, mother's day is just around the corner! hahahha...i know, huh?!!! dads?! mother's day! hahaha...well it's always a synergy ma, mom and dad, dad and mom! anyways, just heard someone say the other day, why do our dads (mostly) all love eating those groundnuts?! tell me, which dad doesnt actually enjoy eating peanuts?! hence, the "kacang cap ngan yin generation". i wonder what sort of food my generation can be associated with?! murukku?
ok la, i gotta get back to work. it's 6 degrees on a sunday morning! why (this part was written last sunday!) am i even up! why am i even needing to get back to my work! seeeeeeeeeeeeee...i am trying hard! hehehe. speaking of the weather, it's changing so much now. though it's not really extremely cold yet, but then, taking those showers, what i call "kamikaze showers" in the mornings and nights! waaaaaaaaah! brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! sometimes i just stand in the hot water, I dont wanna get out!!! the chill comes when u turn off the water, and the coldness hits you! and then when i step out from the shower, i basically tremble! it's just basically suicidal la, but then being malaysian, u just need ur morning shower before u get out and once during the day and once more before u go to sleep! so sometimes, i see, oh good, the sun is out blazing! go and shower now!!! and i used to hear that some ppl dont bathe for days and days and days because of the weather! now i know why! also, now i know why, people love heated toilet seat rims! i tell u, it's like ur sitting on cold ice! try and see! on your bare butt! buttnaked! hehhee.
oh dear oh dear oh dear! the bad thing which comes out of this stress is that i've been putting on weight, cos i've been eating a lot of chocolates! too nice la, let it melt in your mouth, chocolates makes u happy what! hehehe. my favourite is the white one called dream, so dream on about losing weight la!!! tsk, haiyah! i dare not weight myself at all! tsk haiyah!!! i think the next time i blog shall be after when i have done my confirmation! oh dear, please pray for me (harder!) and wish me luck! hehehe. yeah, come to think of it, i've actually stumbled upon a few pretty good writers on blogs, one day i will write bout them la. . wow, the english and style or writing is nice and good, unlike my rojaked English! heheheeee ok before i start work, let me relax with my match highlights! park ji sung, you show mr 30 mil quid berbatov how it's done!!!
"This is the view from my window, where I am currently sitting"

"Myself and a great man"

"Still trying to control emo and macho..."

"Hahaha...I almost cried! This isn't a goodbye hug, it's a will see you again hug!"

"Some of the good looking guys and girls...and me!"

"I really loved this gift I presented to Fr Michael, it's really a statement of who he is!"

"I didnt realise I was the only guy in the pic, had the flash been on, u would see my face entirely red!"

"After the annual mass, which I was super late! Fr said, I saw u walking in late! I said, I tried to be as small as possible, he said, I can see all from way up there!"

"A really nice card, not made by me!"

"A happy, TSK, HAIYAH!"