Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy 2010

Technically it's still 1st January 2010 in Malaysia. So I can still send out a New Year's wish to all! I'm so tired. So many potlucks this time. Just came home from cooking a feast for my cousin's belated birthday. Too tired to write much anyway. Technically, I had already lost 1 day of 2010. I thought today is Saturday, and was prepared to wake up early to go for Sunday mass!'s only Friday! I've really lost track of time since going to Lakes Entrance. That means it was a good holiday, since I've managed to leave all the cares of the world behind! So, leave all the unhappiness, sadness, grief, mistakes, negativity, hatred etc in 2009 and look forward to a better and blessed year ahead!

Sooooooooooooo.......(sorry I can't think of anything to say from 10, so let's just start the countdown from 6! Hahahahaha)......

6 hours preparation and cooking time (to cook)
5 dishes for my cousin's birthday dinner (after only having)
4 hours of sleep (cos we were too busy counting down the night before and not worrying about the final)
3 chapters to complete in my PhD (while)
2 years passed in 2 days and
1 happy happy happy birthday girl celebrated her birthday on this New Year's Day...


In case you didnt notice, we're putting the hand signals to symbolise 2010...Hahahaha...OK, I'm having a severe lack of sleep. Almost 5 hours in 24 hours daily in 7 days! Good night, have a happy and blessed 2010 and God Bless!