Sunday, January 17, 2010

Winter in Summer

I know it sounds like some Korean soap opera/drama, but that basically sums up the weather in Melbourne. It is said that you can experience 4 seasons in one day, which is, it's freezing in the morning (winter), around 10 degrees, then in the afternoon it's 35 degrees (summer), then it suddenly rains in the evening (spring) and then the weather cools down at night (autumn). Hmmmm...a few days ago we had a top of 35 or was it 38, then the next day there was hail! And the weather went down to around 20 the next day. I do love it when the temp is around 20 degrees. Perfect.

Oh yeah, yesterday, I managed to survive playing basketball, THEN playing street soccer, both in the same day!'s the first of many more to come! First it was 3 on 3 basketball, which of course I have no idea how to play, just pass the ball to secret basketball player Bernice and she will score a point. Hahahaha. All I did was just apply pressure on the other players, to "throw them off focus". Hehehe. Then, we decided to play a little 3 a side. My goodness, I still can run wei! Hahahahahaha. Miraculously I didn't have a heart attack, but after not playing for years, I could still run! Woooohoooo! Hehehehe...ok la, just wanted to brag a bit. I miss playing FOOTBALL so much. I don't like saying soccer. It's football laaaaaaaaa!

I still remember playing since I was 7 or 8, and got hooked on it eversince. Of course the best footballing days were when I was still in school. Where we could play in our school uniform for hours under the scorching sun, just fold up our pants and we're ready to go. Most of us wore 'Pallas Jazz' shoes, whether it was white or black. It seemed to be the 'officially cool' school shoes back then. And perfect for football too! And there'll be that one hole where we'd use the shoe to kick the ball! We also always wore an extra t-shirt inside, JUST IN CASE, we had a free period. And when there's a free period, please look for us in the field! I can imagine how smelly we were then! And we'll all crowd under the fan to cool down, with shirts buttoned down to the belly. Hahahahha. Then, continue with our classes. No showers in between! Oh man, I'm really missing those days. And that was like, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarsss ago! And I still remember it as if it was just yesterday. Best were those, unofficial friendly matches of class vs class, or form vs form. Oh man, I miss them so much!

Gosh, I don't miss school, but I miss my friends from school so much. Being far hasn't really helped, but I really loved it when they came over to visit. Man, I'd love to have a pint with anyone from school right now! I can go on for hours and pages and pages, just talking bout memories from playing football itself! I wonder if my son will take after me? Hehehehe...But it's nice having friends from back home. It's strange though that I have 2 ex students here in OZ. But it's really nice having them around. I have Chef Paul Liew in Sydney and Cik Datin Forever 21 here in Melbourne with me. Hehehehe.

Anyway, I saw something comical in the city yesterday. There's this thing called a "hook turn", whereby cars, bikes and trucks need to stop at the left side of the road and wait, before turning to the right, to avoid blocking the trams. So normally, I'll see cars, bikes and trucks la, the usual. Yesterday, I saw a horse carriage doing a hook turn. Hahahahahha. That was funny! Kereta kuda pun kena!

This week, I had this for dinner. It started on Sunday, then carried on the entire week!

Sunday - Steak
Monday - Steak
Tuesday - Steak
Wednesday - Steak
Thursday - Steak
Friday - Steak
Saturday - Steak

Hahahha. Official steak week. Today no more la. Since I was in charge of making dinner today, and the menu was already fixed, so I just cooked whatever there was la. I dont know if I could've survived another day of steak, but to me I don't mind! I love meat! I love beef! I love steak! Hehehehe...Well, just in case there's nothing for dinner, I have a t shirt, that says Beer, that's what's for dinner! I don't mind, not at all. Hehehehe.

From the left: The one formerly known as 'sir' with Cik Datin Forever 21 during her birthday celebrations!