Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Acrophobic

Yes that's me. No, it's not some pervertic condition or anything. Hahahaha. Acrophobia, or simply, having a fear of heights or high places. Yes, I do admit that I have an extreme fear of heights. I remember being at Lakes Entrance, and was standing on the pier, and I went, GUYS WHY IS THE PIER MOVING?! And someone replied, aiyah, even if you were to drop down, it's only until your waist la. BUT STILL?!! So I had to sit down. Another time I was in Penang Hill. AND, of course, there had to be a suspension bridge in the middle of nowhere. And of course, I had to pass it. Hahaha. So, to make matters worse, this bridge has 4 levels, as in you have to pass through 4 bridges to reach the end. Nevermind, it only falls down into a jungle. Somehow I think the branches MIGHT break my fall, OR I break some trees on the way down. AND, to make matters even worse, there were these (OK, I still remember this is a clean blog with no vulgrarity) HANTUS, hahahahah...who were not only shaking the bloody thing, but hopping and jumping on it as well! Aiyoh, never again man! Last I heard, they had closed the bridge. Hmmmm....BUT, I love flying! I guess having the fear of heights and having a fear of flying are 2 different things, but can sometimes can come in a combo of having fear of heights, space and flying. Well, somehow, I just have one la. So that's fear number 1. Fear number 2 is of course a fear of girls la. Hahahahaha, if such a condition does exist! So, I'm so afraid of heights, when I drive up the ledges of Genting Highlands or even Balik Pulau, I'm like "DONTLOOKDOWNDONTLOOKDOWNDONTLOOKDOWN".

What's more I used to live in apartments for the better part of my days while I was working in Penang. Oh, the horror of looking down the balcony. That's why my units were never above ten floors. I think the highest one I had was on the elevent floor. But I did enjoy hanging out by the balcony over the weekends because the balcony overlooked the pool and on weekends the pool was always filled with....uh.....water(?)(!) Hahahaha...Hmmmmmm....SO anyway, I having an advanced condition of incurable and chronic acrophobia had the ingenius idea of climbing up (not literally la, there was a lift) 88 floors or 300 metres or 984 ft above sea level of the Eureka Tower.

"So there it is. Towering in the Southern Hemisphere. Scared? Who? Me?! Hahahahaha...So far away la, no worries la!"

"OK, you have to admit that this looks intimidating right?! RIGHT?!"

"What are they smiling about?! 88 FLOORS you know?! So here, my steps became smaller steps, and my steps became slower steps....HOPING, that when we try to buy tickets, the girl at the counter goes, SORRY, WE'RE CLOSED =p"

SO! What happened next?! Did I pass out from fear? Did I chicken out?! Did my legs turn jello?! YES ALL OF THE ABOVE! la, I didn't faint la. I did of course feel a little afraid, eh 2 feet high pier also gives me the chills d, what more NINEHUNDREDEIGHTYFOUR feet! Hahaha...OK, so at the side of the counter was written, NOT SUITABLE FOR THOSE WITH FEAR OF HEIGHTS. I wished they could've issued me a with a ban or something. So what was I so afraid of? It's just gonna be in a building 88 floors high right? NO! I had the other ingenius plan of stepping onto this thing called "The Edge", whereby it's a glass platform that protrudes out from the building, hence, The Edge. RIGHT. And I wonder why humans actually pay good money to scare themselves.

"Yes, I survived! I guess a picture paints a thousand words! So I didn't chicken out after all. Just don't look down la!"

Best thing was the experience. YES, I admit I was soooooooo scared inside that 'thing'. Hahahahaha...but since I deserve the right to brag....Hahahaha...OK la I won't la. I'm pretty sure Grace, who was with me could see how terrified I was and also Missy E who was on the phone with me. I think she must've thought that I was having a panic attack or something! But in her words, I was "Funny and Entertaining". Hmmmmmm....HMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Hahahaha. And there was this little girl that was walking here and there, as if she was having an afternoon stroll in the park! No la, I wasn't hallucinating la. She's just not in the picture la!

So, below are just some of the other pics I had taken from the highest point in the city. I must apologise for these pictures are a bit blurry...The conditions were really bad for photography, strong winds kept shaking my camera even though I had it on tripod. Plus there was a metal fencing that made it difficult to take the pics. OK la, enough of excuses la. Amateur! Hehehe. So, I decided not to edit these pics so that they can be seen in their original 'glory'.

"The Melbourne Cricket Ground or MCG closer up"

"Melbourne Park and MCG"

"Kala Malam Bulan Mengambang!"

"The Central Business District"

"The CBD closer up"

"The Yarra River"

"I don't remember where this is, but I think it was towards Port Melbourne?"

"The intersections of Flinders St. and Swanton St."

"The corner of "The Edge" on the right hand corner. Somewhat I had forgotten to take a picture of it coming out"

"Somewhere in Melbourne"

"The Arts Centre"

"The Arts Centre, a little more upclose"

" I dunno where this is...some curvey freeways?"

"More curvey freeways"

"This picture is dedicated to Nicholas Chong. Hahahahaha. Taken from behind a glass window, so there's a little glare"

"Somewhere else in Melbourne. I think also taken from behind the glass window"

"Crown Casino. Also with the glare"

I, oh, I'm still alive
Hey I, oh, I'm still alive
Hey I, but, I'm still alive
Yeah I, ooh, I'm still alive
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

"Alive" - Pearl Jam

Let's love life! Let's live to love - Adrian Lee! Hahahaha..Copyright, ahem.