Monday, March 1, 2010

The Sound of Red Silence

Well well well...the silence that befalls my ears is just too deafening. Hahahaha. OK, I'm not going to taunt the Liverpool, Chelsea and Arsenal fans about MU winning the Carling Cup aka League Cup, as it was known to those born of my generation. Of course, I'm pretty sure that these opposing supporters will be flooding Facebook and whereever else they can, writing about MU's defeat in the finals, should MU have lost. NO HOLDS BARRED. NO PUNCHES HELD. Straight taunting. They will go all out.

But, in the style of Adrian Lee, I shall just simply wear my MU jersey out to the city today, proudly. No matter what, whether they win or lose, I'll still wear it out. And, unofficially, it draws for interesting confrontations. Many times, when crossing the street, someone will come up to me and ask "So did they win last night?!" and I'd be surprised there are many Australian Manchester United supporters! Or, suddenly people will start cheering when I walk pass! Hahahaha. Actually, they're cheering at the jersey that I'm wearing la, of course! AND, when MU lost to Everton last week, I had to walk face on with someone wearing wearing an Everton jersey. I could see his face wanting to taunt, but then I think he couldn't think of anything to say! Hahahaha...but I did once have a funny argument with this Chelsea supporter some time back right in Swanston Street.

Hahahaha. I'm actually trying to collect all the MU jerseys from the 90s till today, irregardless if they're brand new or used. Yalar, being the poor kid I was, I could never afford one of those RM200 jerseys then. Still am poor though....and ironically still a student! Hehehehe. So, I'm trying to track down as many as I can for my own personal collection, to relive the glorious days of Eric Cantona, Peter Schmeichel (my personal boyhood hero!), Ryan Giggs (still going stronger than ever), Gary and Phillip Neville, David Beckham, Andy Cole, (let me see how many I can recall), Andrei Kanchelskis, Nicky Butt, Jaap Stam, Dwight Yorke, Steve Bruce, Gary Pallister, Bryan Robson, Lee Sharpe, Ole Gunnar Solksjaer, Teddy Sheringham, Ronnie Johnsen and who can ever forget, Mr. Reliable, Denis Irwin! OHHHHH...the 'guvner' Paul Ince! Hahaha. Mark Hughes, and I loved to watch Keith Gillespie. Just too bad he was at MU for a short period. The night/morning of the Champions League Finals when they won the treble is so fresh, in my mind it was as if it happened this morning! I was uhhh...17 then? I still remember staying up the late nights, or early mornings. Surprisingly, we never woke the neighbours...I think...well we never saw any cop cars coming up to our houses! Hehehe

OK, so the laughters are back. I hope that they last. Well, as I've mentioned last, it's a roller coaster. Up and down, up and down. So when it goes up, it will go down, and when it goes down, it will go up! It was a pretty good weekend, now made better with this victory. Anyhow, I was once asked, why are we on earth? What is the purpose of us being on earth? And not from a religious perspective...So the only answer I can think of is that, we're all part of a network of people, no la not the Matrix la. So, we're all one part of one big network, and we all support one another through life. Yeah, the week was indeed very difficult last week. But, many people were there to support me. And, I must say that I do owe a very big thanks to a certain friend for helping me get through my difficult times! Of course, this person admitted to not reading my blog, so I'll have to thank the person personally! Hehehe.

So, here's to a great week ahead! Now, I'm fully refreshed and fully geared for the week! Now for the fight to retain the Premier League! And as always, Glory Glory Man United!

"Uhhhh...who are these again ah?! Christiano who?! Carlos who?! There's only one Ronaldo, and he's from Brazil! And they said we will not win anything without them...Then I wonder...

"What they're celebrating about then? Hehehehe"